Following on from my sepia-toned skip down 32bit Street yesterday, I thought I'd carry on the trend with a reminder of the finest 64bit movie-game tie-ins on Mario's three dimensional flagship.
Fact: so powerful were my childhood persuasion skills that I managed to convince my little sister to part with about six months worth of her pocket money to go halves on a Nintendo 64. She had no interest in games whatsoever. Mwah ha!
1. Your-mum's-wet-dream Pierce Brosnan's last good movie before the screen adaptation of a nauseous west-end ABBA show, Goldeneye reinvigorated the James Bond franchise. It featured plotting Russkies, a woman who uses her thighs as a nutcracker for your head, and Sean Bean being evil.
The game was one of the best shooters ever, redefining the genre for the console market. Multiplayer was where all the real fun was at. Throwing knifes on Stacks, Oddjob vs Jaws, License to Kill. Six cans of Stella, takeaway pizza. Yes yes yes.
2. I've never been a Star Wars geek, and Shadows of The Empire wasn't really a movie tie-in, but this was brilliant and it made money off a successful film franchise, which is why it deserves to be in this list. The space battles were fun as hell and fighting Boba Fett/his space ship on the floating platform was fun. Shame about the clunky controls.
3. You know what... I can't find any more. I literally can't find any more.
Nostalgia's not what it was cracked up to be.
Everything in the past is SHIT.
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